Thursday, January 14, 2010


PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI - JANUARY 13: People sea...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
     Hey all. I noticed within the last couple of days that a few people who I follow have stopped their blogs. I'm sorry to see them go. They were all really good. I'm still staying, though. I'll still be here, telling you true sexy stories from my past & present.
     That having been said, there may be some breaks of a few days here & there. This is because of the situation in Haiti. It's tragic what happened there & I'll be helping with coordinating efforts for a charity here in NYC Therefore, my blogging will be spotty for a couple of weeks due to lack of time. If you can, please give to the Red Cross, World View, or any of the other legit, trusted charities.
     I know that humans are very giving, although there are some in America with the Me First attitude. There are some people here who say why are we giving to the Haitians when there are problems here in America? There's at least one talk radio host who doesn't want anyone to give any money to Haiti. As he (Rush Limbaugh) said "we already gave money to Haiti. It's called the income tax". People like this sicken me. These people dare call themselves religious yet do & say extremely unreligious things. We need to give because it's the right thing to do. End of story.
     Anyway, that's it for now. Try to love or lust one another. I'll put up a post on the weekend, probably Saturday.
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