Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blowjob Videos of the Week

Sex Song of the Week - Joe Cocker

This week's sex song is from the movie 9 1/2 Weeks (the movie I mentioned in yesterday's Erotic Movie of the Week). Joe Cocker was mainly a 60s era vocalist that time almost forgot by the time the 1980s rolled around. Leave Your Hat On revived his career. It's a pretty sexy song. Plus, it's a good stripping song.

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Amateur Video of the Day


It's not sexy. Just thought you might want to see the CEO of the Lindens talk about Second Life.

He talks about how SL viewers are the ones who sell things in the digital world.
It plays automatically, so I'm going to put it after the jump.


We had over 50 people like us on our SECOND LIFE PORNSTARS page on FACEBOOK. And then Facebook pulled our page. Seems we were to naughty and sexy for FB.

I am willing to put up another page. But we will have to be strict and not put up any pictures with nudity. And we probably can't use bad language.

So my question to all of you is this...


Is it pointless to have a FACEBOOK page for pornstars who have to keep their clothes on?
Or do you think it's good to have this as a way for us to talk and get together, even if we have to rain it in a bit?

Let me know. There's a poll to the right. Vote and let me know. And I'd love your comments as well!


Quinn Ying asked me to come over and do a photoshoot with her for the the latest chair by Alina Graf. The chair had wonderful poses and Quinn and I got excited. The professional shoot got a lot

You can see more photos on sexxxy Quinn's blog by CLICKING HERE


THE SEXIEST - June 30th

Beach Love by Connie Arida
Beach Love, a photo by Connie Arida on Flickr.
This is called BEACH LOVE by the lovely Connie Arida. I love the angle, the water, the realasm of the beach and the letters. And Connie looks lovely! So she's THE SEXIEST® today.

[New Sensations] Heart & Mind II XXX Download Part 3


[New Sensations] Heart & Mind II XXX Download Part 2



This girl lives for the lens....movies,stills, and looks great in front of either! Still a relative newcomer to the Porn scene Kai has already made an impact, and for anyone who has met this bubbly and vivacious lady....that won't come as anything of a suprise.

1. What is your favorite position?
 Kai Baby: "With men I like to ride, I enjoy being able to watch him enjoy me, while he watches me enjoy him. There is no faking the facials!, with women I enjoy A good ole' 69, there is nothing like soft breasts against my stomach, so sexy"

2. What is your least favorite position?
Kai Baby: "hummm, thats hard cause I really enjoy sex. If I have to choose I would say anything that requires me to be upside down. Blood rushes to your head and if done too long you just end up with a flushed face and a headache"

3. What turns you on?
Kai Baby: "I know it sounds sappy, but kindness is the sexiest trait to me. A nice person can get this any day over a sexy jerk, well done tattoos turn me on like a light too".

4. What turns you off?
Kai Baby: "Unsubstantiated arrogance. which is sometimes mistaken for self-confidence, jerks in other words"

5. What sound do you love?
 Kai Baby: "I love the sound of the ocean, and laughter"

6. What sound do you hate?
Kai Baby: 'The sound of lies!!!,crying, and air horns"

7. What is your favorite curse word?
Kai Baby: ''Motherfucker, one word. Need me to use it in a sentance? "This motherfuker got cum on my dress"

8. What was your favourite role?
Kai Baby: "Honestly I have loved every one, from fucking on a drink machine to being a green elf. They have all been positive experiences with awesome people"

9. What is your favourite movie?
Kai Baby: "I would say Bali and Meow. Bali because of the creativity and Meow because of the story without words. But I also love "How to be a second life porn star" I watched it, and well here I am!"

10. How did you get started in the Adult Movie Industry?
Kai Baby: A friend had a pornstar tag and I asked him about it. figured I like sex, I like being watched having sex, and once I set my mind on something, I work hard to make it happen.

11. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
Kai Baby: "Lap Dance!!!"

Have fun in all you do!- Jinx Jiersen 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Erotic Movie of the Week - 9 1/2 Weeks

This week is another Zalman King classic: 9 1/2 weeks. This 1986 movie starred Mickey Roarke (when he still had his original face) and Kim Basinger. When the movie was first released, it was a commercial bomb. However, videotape and cable helped make this movie into a treasured erotic classic, mainly for the sex scenes. It was also where I got my ideas about blindfolding and playing with food.

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Amateur Video of the Day


CYBERSEX 2.0: The Xcite Touch

As if Second Life wasn't stimulating enough, Xcite has a product called THE TOUCH. Its a vibe that is controlled in SL...with Real World orgasms.

Gotta look into that one :)

Lots more after the break.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for touch?

Touch requires one or more touch enabled toys in Second Life, an active touch subscription, and the touch application, which currently runs under Windows XP or Windows Vista. A mac version is on the way shortly.

How does touch work?

Touch syncs up your real life toy with a virtual toy, so that when the virtual toy begins vibrating, so does the real toy. This may include various controls such as a pattern of vibrations, strength of the vibrations, etc.

What Xcite! toys in Second Life are compatible with touch?

You can check out this list on our website or look for the touch icon on the toys in our stores.

What real life toys are compatible with touch?

Currently we are working with a product sold by a company called Harnett Technology Solutions. The product they sell, which is available here, is a USB adaptor with a 2.5mm phono plug, compatible with many different real life bullets, vibrators and similar devices. You'll need to order the USB adaptor and then buy one or more different types of vibrators and accessories that can plug into it. We have a full list on this page, on the right hand side.

What about product XYZ, a usb vibrator from company a?

We've yet to find any other usb driven vibrators that are controllable via software and are using an open specification. Most of the companies out there in this space are building proprietary and very expensive toys, two good reason why we're using the solution above. If other companies decide to put out products that are reasonable and compatible, we'll of course support them in the future.

Can I use more than one vibrator?

Absolutely. For the first time, you can plug in up to four different vibrators into your computer (depending how many USB slots you have free), and they all can be driven independantly by different toys in Second Life.

Ok, if I buy a vibrator, how do I turn it on using Second Life?

Simple. You buy an Xcite! toy that is compatible with touch, and use the menus to turn the touch function on. Assuming you have an active touch account (they can be purchased at any Xcite! store), you would run the touch application (available for free on our website) and then whenever the toy in Second Life is activated, your real life vibrator will imitate whatever happens to the toy in Second Life.

Is touch safe? Can people find out who I am?

Touch is very safe. All communications are encrypted. There's no way your identity can be discovered through this system outside of any normal risks associated with Second Life.

THE SEXIEST - June 29th

[AA] Alley Bed 01

Todays pic is by a real favorite of the site, Lincoln Garnet. Also known as LincG. This one is called ALLEY BED. I love the atmasphere and the look of it. And its THE SEXIEST®.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TMI Question - What is Your Favorite Movie

Opening logo to the Star Wars filmsImage via WikipediaToday's TMI question is about my favorite movie. This is different from what the best movie ever made is, which most critics have surmised is Citizen Kane (Netflix it. It's awesome). 

My favorite movie of all time is Star Wars. There's a reason. It was the movie that helped me escape from what was a pretty bad childhood. I was privileged to have been alive when Star Wars came out. Nobody had ever seen anything like it. The opening shot with the Star Destroyer going over your head made all of our mouths drop. From there, I was hooked. I've seen all the movies too many times to count. I could probably do the original movie's dialogue in my sleep. It spoke to a (at that time) 10 year old like no other thing ever had.

The second choice would probably be Raiders of the Lost Ark for the exact same reasons. I owe George Lucas and Steven Spielberg my sanity.
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Sex Blog of the Week - Not Your Average Chick

This week's sex blog is Not Your Average Chick. It's written by Ashly Star and is a mishmosh of sex and other things in life. I'll let Ashly tell you about herself.

I'm sarcastic, moody, weird, quirky, hyper, spontaneous, bluntly honest, silly, complex, dorky, deep, not easily trusting, loyal, stubborn, outgoing, open, argumenative, cynical and plenty of other adjectives that I don't feel like typing out now. I won't put up with your bullshit. Hate drama and can't stand mind games. Sometimes I talk too much and other times I don't say enough. I can be an asshole when provoked and hey, those bitchy moodswings happen. I listen to my music a little too loud and laugh at inappropriate times. I have a weird and sometimes morbid sense of humor. I'm happy being me though. =D
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Sexy Gif

Mmmmm. Tasty. I love going down on a woman while my fingers penetrate her, working them into a rhythm, making her cum. Click the photo for the movement if it doesn't move for you.
