Kirsten's Gives Crisp Clear 3D For Red/Cyan Glasses.
3D is here on the latest Kirsten's SL Viewer! As you know i have experienced some hot times in SL in 3D on some older 3D viewers, and released a couple of movies to prove it. That platform was very unstable, and unreliable. I hope Kirsten's delivers us all these potential exciting 3D experiences.

So if your mouth is watering at the prospect of 3D body physics, X4's, Lola's and all other kinds of hot visuals! I hope this helps and spreads the word.
More details and hot 3D pics after the break!!
I found the 3D on Kirsten's to be quite stunning, and if you find yourself in the right location, totally breathtaking. A huge improvement on other early SL 3D Viewers. This was the crispest 3D i've seen on my PC so far. If this can translate in to video, it will be one step on the way to new era in machinima. Although i suspect things won't really take off until we have market saturation of 3D TV's and the red/cyan glasses are replaced by "Shutter Glasses" which the latest home cinema technology utilizes. Shutter glasses let you view the scene in true colour, and is less of a strain on the eyes. However red/cyan is very effective, and cheap, and here right now.
I got a sunglasses standard of red/cyan glasses on ebay for just £1.00, as far as i know that's about $1.60. So you can have a high quality pair of glasses for very little out lay. The improvement in quality with my more expensive plastic glasses was a big contrast to the "freebie" cardboard glasses you may have got in a magazine or with a DVD or Blu Ray. So i would pay the extra if you want to enjoy everything SL has to offer in 3D.
The bad news is. I have heard some horror stories involving this latest Kirsten's build. Ranging from plain old crashes on every login, to horrible screen artifacts. I know people who have had to go right back to version 6 of build 21 to set things right. I myself could not login yesterday without crashing. I still have many issues to solve to stop it crashing, and right now if i was going to shoot a movie i'd revert back to version 7 of build 21. My advice is follow message boards and the Kirstens blog for news on this, and i hope very soon all these problems are resolved.
3D in Kirsten's will need some toggling to set up. Go to - Pref > Graphics > Advanced > Misc > Toggle Analgliph.
Then you'll see eye separation, and focal length. Wear your glasses and play with the sliders, to dial in the correct 3D view. This is pointless without 3D glasses btw. It also probably means unless you get extremely lucky, 3D photography "blind" or pointing and shooting without glasses and releasing images as 3D won't actually work. You need to see it with your own eyes behind glasses, to know you're all set up correctly.
So, to sum up...I'd say this is very cool, very effective, very exciting! Well worth experiencing SL in 3D, and buying good quality glasses, but atm, you'll have to put up with the odd crash, and maybe worse along the way. So it's down to personal choice if you want to disturb your present Kirsten's set up.
Serenity. xx
Note : To avoid some of the most common crashes regarding this viewer. Before login, reduce your graphics from Ultra, to high, or mid in preferences.
More Kirsten's Tips and Info after the jump. Courtesy of the queen of viewer tips Quinn Ying from Stripped & Teased Blog.
Quinn writes....
For the Kirstens Viewer estimators out there, KL released a new version (Build 8 RC1) of his viewer yesterday, with a big improvement... 3D!!! The rendering engine went under great improvements, and now rendering with shadows benefits with a 20% increase in speed and compatibility of antialiasing with both shadows and Global illumination, so even more things to play with (and stress your graphic card :) )
To use 3D, for now, you'll have to follow the following instructions :
- Download your new version of Kirstens Viewer from (empty cache before installing new version)
- Turn off shadows (Preferences-Graphics-General "Lighting and Shadows")
- Under Preferences-Misc enable "Toggle Anagliph Render"
- To play with anagliph, In windlight settings (World-Environment-Sky Settings) tune the "Density multiplier" parameter.
Have fun!
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