Sunday, April 18, 2010

formspring question of the day

Question: Have you any regrets in life?

Answer: I'm one of those people who think that you shouldn't have any major regrets in life. Every single situation that you've either witnessed or been a party to has made you who you are today. Dwelling on past mistakes & situations is a complete waste of time, so there's no sense concentrating on it. Besides, I like who I am today.

Plus, who's to say that if I had made changes back then, that those changes themselves may have had different & possibly more dangerous consequences? For instance, back in early 2000, I had a chance at another job than the one I have now. That job was on one of the upper floors of the World Trade Center. Good thing I said no.

Having said that, if we could go back in time, there are some things I would've liked to have done differently:
1. I wish I had gone to college for business. Who knows? I may have had a corporation by now.
2. I wish I had been born with professional athletic ability, instead of the weekend warrior type talents.
3. I wish I hadn't have been monogamous when I was younger. I would've had a lot more fun.
That's actually about it in terms of regrets.

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